Thursday, May 16, 2013

The quality of physical vision is in exact correlation to quality of imagination, memory, and clarity of mind.

I came across this book which claims to show one how to get 20/20 vision without glasses or artificial means. because it's quite old, the way in which the author goes about explaining the process of healing the eyes can be tedious to read at times but well worth it. It really cleared things up for me at least. 

Basically the author explains, after many trials with many different people, that the quality in which one can see without the help of artificial crutches like glasses or contact lenses is in exact correlation of the state of one's mind such as the strain one has grown to put on their eyes since birth giving them a blurry, judgmental  and muddled picture of what they are trying to see compared to the person with perfect or near perfect 20/20 vision who has a state of mind which is clear like water and therefore can see without the interruption of the mind. One example of this clear mind is an example in the book of a young girl who can see the moons of Jupiter while only using her eyes.

According to what I have experienced, these interruptions of the mind can transcend temporal limitations and can be silenced by first experiencing and learning what true clarity is by seeing it with the mind and then bringing that feeling up as contrast to the light of the world. Experiencing clarity is not unlike meditation, it is also not unlike listening to music without judgement to what is being heard, letting them music flow note by note without movement.  At that point vibrations can be seen more readily and shaped or created always remembering that feeling of clarity like clear water in the background but kept in balance with the light being seen.

anyway I uploaded the book here.

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