information is like food for the mind. eat too much and it can kill you, eat too little and you will die of starvation. Try to take in information in a similar matter. It takes time for the body to digest food as it takes time for the mind to digest and make sense of information it receives. The ability to process information at a pace that makes sense to YOU in which you can enjoy or savor at the same time is an art that only you can master. In the wisdom of alan watts, taking in information without proper digestion gives one a sort of spiritual indigestion. However most of the time the case seems to people are dying of malnourished or insubstantial information rather than taking in too much at one time. Eating junk food can be considered insubtantial or energy malnourshied of any substance since these types of food don't contain any important nutrients and can be compared to, in a metaphysical sense, takingi nformation which does nothing for the mind like watching too much trash tv or working a dead end job. But even then, the goal of the enlightened human has always been to find the secret element that can transform lead into gold, the insubtantial into the most substantial, which is possible with information that is insubstantial but a great proccess is undertaken.
all life exists between both the points of too much and too little so try to find the balance between both. The balance is not a straight line but is more like physics in the sense that 2 opposing of forces cancel each other out.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Why breathing meditation works
Breathing meditations always left me wondering "Why is it that breathing meditations even work?" What is so special about breathing meditations? I always saw it as just another way of tricking the mind into relaxing. I always thought when people said take a deep breath, it was just a sort of placebo effect, which in a way it is, but at the same time, there is a reason it is known to be a very powerful way of relaxing and learning to go with the flow, and I came across the realization of said reason just recently and it makes a lot of sense in such a simple way.
First of all, since we are primarily, as a collective consciousness, so much more easier to teach with physical correspondences and scientific measures, it would be a good idea to see how it is that the breath is so special. THIS realization I actually read about after someone posted it on a facebook group I am currently in, and ever since, I have been learning about the true power of the breath. This special piece of knowledge is that of the vagus nerve. It's pronounced like the word vegas in Las vegas (which is extremely ironic considering the hell fire that goes on in las vegas) and is one of the most quintessential pieces of the great design that is the human nervous system. To realize the importance of this specific system of nerves, one must learn briefly about the 2 classifications of nervous type systems in the body.
The first classification is the Central nervous system which includes the brain, brainstem, and the spine
Ok, so why is the vagus nerve so important to mental and physical health? This is why: it is the nerve that connects both the automatic parts of the nervous system like digestion, heart rate, and every of involuntary movement in the body with a part of the brain that can be consciously controlled, like the rate of breath. Here are two pictures. Notice how the nerve actually starts near the middle of the brain where all other nerves connections like face, mouth, and eye control are and goes down all the way down through and deeply connected with organs in the body, up until the lower intestine.
First of all, since we are primarily, as a collective consciousness, so much more easier to teach with physical correspondences and scientific measures, it would be a good idea to see how it is that the breath is so special. THIS realization I actually read about after someone posted it on a facebook group I am currently in, and ever since, I have been learning about the true power of the breath. This special piece of knowledge is that of the vagus nerve. It's pronounced like the word vegas in Las vegas (which is extremely ironic considering the hell fire that goes on in las vegas) and is one of the most quintessential pieces of the great design that is the human nervous system. To realize the importance of this specific system of nerves, one must learn briefly about the 2 classifications of nervous type systems in the body.
The first classification is the Central nervous system which includes the brain, brainstem, and the spine
The second classification is the Peripheral Nervous system which includes all the smaller nerves which connects sensations in the organs, tissues, and the rest of the body to the central nervous system. This PNS is further categorized in 2 other classes.
(this is how the CNS and PNS work together in the body.)
Ok, so why is the vagus nerve so important to mental and physical health? This is why: it is the nerve that connects both the automatic parts of the nervous system like digestion, heart rate, and every of involuntary movement in the body with a part of the brain that can be consciously controlled, like the rate of breath. Here are two pictures. Notice how the nerve actually starts near the middle of the brain where all other nerves connections like face, mouth, and eye control are and goes down all the way down through and deeply connected with organs in the body, up until the lower intestine.
Breathing is a very special phenomena when you realize it is both involuntary, meaning it happens on it's own without you trying to breath all the time, AND voluntary citing the fact that one can hold and control the rate at which one breaths! Not only this but the nerve that does control breathing, which IS the vagus nerve, is so integrated with the rest of the organs with the body that one can not help but realize the importance of the breath and how it affects how one feels and navigates through life! Meaning that the gateway point between conscious and unconscious(involuntary) action is the breath! These pieces of knowledge really helped me to start calming my mind and taking control back of unconscious habits which I had and still continue to dissipate.
But after all of this, I still found myself wondering ok so this vagus nerve is the reason why conscious breathing deeply affects the way I feel when I breath correctly and deeply with the body as to get rid of anxiety, but still, what is the secret key or reason why this works? Meaning I found myself breathing deeply and it helped a lot but I still didn't know WHY it helped so much. And then I came to the conclusion while practicing this conscious breathing. It is because at the very BASIC foundation of the way breathing works, lies the very essence of the way the entire universe works...the yin and yang principle. Male and feminine. Dominant and Receptive.
But how exactly is it being expressed, one might ask. It is in this way: When you consciously breath IN and your lungs are full, it can be seen as the yang principle, meaning YOU decided within yourself to take that breath. You took the principle of taking action, being a male, being dominant, and applied it within the breath that you just took.Now here is where I made the discovery as to how breathing can be so efficient in bringing one back to oneself. The world is overall a dominant place and has been for years upon years. Meaning everyone is always doing something and running their mind on something that everything is being done and constantly drained of any real effiency because the action is so unbalanced, their is no receptive principle. So much so that when one DOES get into meditations and breathing, they want to STILL keep using their dominant force and try to breath consciously on both the IN and OUT breath. It is still unbalanced! There is no receptive principle in this, and here lies the secret! Ok so you breathed in and used the dominant principle to do so because you had to fight and actually put effort into the actual movement of allowing air to enter the lungs using the diaphram. After your lungs are full, the receptive force lies within not doing anything at all! You allow the breath to leave your lungs merely by letting go and not forcing the breath out. You learn to be receptive/feminine/ passive/ letting go. In this way it is not you being the big macho powerful man trying to force the air out of your lungs, you are being receptive to the forces of gravity and contraction on the most simplest of levels that you just relax and become receptive to the bigger picture. When one realizes that one is EVERYTHING then you can see how breathing can be the simplest form of being receptive to everything which in turn becomes a very relaxing and appealing way of going with the flow. The more one becomes able to let go of that out breath instead of forcing it out, the more you become in tune with the greater forces that are acting on your body to keep it in balance.
And to make it even more advanced, if one allows all the air to leave their lungs and to hold the breath at lowest capacity, you will find that the in breath can in turn become the passive force and the out breath can be the dominant force since you can then control the rate and which the breath is expelled.
Tuesday, June 11, 2013
Kundalini not as serpent/snake energy but as serpent/Dragon energy
disclaimer: kundalini energy is something which should not be toyed with or awakened willy nilly without proper preparation and mind mastery. The body must be cleansed as well as the mental body being cleansed of any self defeating mental systems which could potentially cause catastrophic results. It would be like splitting an atom, or setting off an atomic bomb. Attempting to forcefully awaken yourself through use of psychoactive drugs is definitely not something that should be attempted. That is not to say these psychoactive drugs do not serve their purpose in awakening oneself. But it IS to say there is a point where these drugs can be the downfall of an awakening individual. Just take it easy and integrate the information when you feel it is the time to integrate, do not force it.
So a couple of days ago I was looking at videos on youtube on the nature of phi like I have many times before and I came across a video which for some reason I hadn't come across. It contained a very key snippet of information which let me realize the true nature of the cosmic energy of kundalini and it's origins which seems to fit cohesively at least in my mind.

Kundalini energy, at least in it's totality, cannot be likened completely to the snake but instead to the dragon. It is the energy of the dragon that must be tamed, not the snake. Of course when working through fear based mentalities in order to proceed upwards, the snake must be integrated in a healthy manner but at the "end" point, it is the dragon energy or power which is being tapped into.
I realized this after reading how the physical description of the dragon describes the very characteristics of that which is being awakened in kundalini. You see the description of the dragon goes as follow: the dragon has claws to grip the earth, scales to swim through and with water, a crystal tooth to focus and exhale fire, and wings to fly wherever it pleases. This proves that this entity, the dragon, has all the necessary physical components needed to navigate all the terrain found here on earth and beyond, as the physical body is shaped and corresponds with what the spiritual body looks like.
The dragon has been seen in ancient lore as a bringer of destruction and chaos where we have these stories of a brave knight going out to slay a dragon which threatens to destroy the village because of how powerful it is. But what if the dragon decided not to destroy things but just simply dance in it's own eternal self? This is the true harmonious way awakening the kundalini energy.One who awakens to the world of lucid dreaming and out of body experiences realizes that all these characteristics are needed to be working in harmony if one is to be able to traverse the fields of consciousness.
After realizing this, I tried to figure out what the physical correspondence would be of this said energy since it made more sense to call kundalini energy a coiled snake at the base of the spine rather than a coiled dragon and also because of the fact that snakes actually exist in this plane while proof of dragons hasn't been concretely found to have even existed. I thought about giving up the whole idea of it but then I realzied kundalini isn't completely a physical energy. Yes, it's activity in the physical brain can be measured with certain devices and can definitely be felt by anyone who is near by but it's not something that can be seen with the physical eyes. Only felt and heard. This explains how the dragon doesn't have a physical correspondence, at least not yet. It's funny because the day after I made this connection I found a picture of a snake (they're calling it a salamander but come on this looks like a snake to me) that is growing arms. This suggests that we could indeed have dragons on this planet in a long time from now.
So a couple of days ago I was looking at videos on youtube on the nature of phi like I have many times before and I came across a video which for some reason I hadn't come across. It contained a very key snippet of information which let me realize the true nature of the cosmic energy of kundalini and it's origins which seems to fit cohesively at least in my mind.

Kundalini energy, at least in it's totality, cannot be likened completely to the snake but instead to the dragon. It is the energy of the dragon that must be tamed, not the snake. Of course when working through fear based mentalities in order to proceed upwards, the snake must be integrated in a healthy manner but at the "end" point, it is the dragon energy or power which is being tapped into.
I realized this after reading how the physical description of the dragon describes the very characteristics of that which is being awakened in kundalini. You see the description of the dragon goes as follow: the dragon has claws to grip the earth, scales to swim through and with water, a crystal tooth to focus and exhale fire, and wings to fly wherever it pleases. This proves that this entity, the dragon, has all the necessary physical components needed to navigate all the terrain found here on earth and beyond, as the physical body is shaped and corresponds with what the spiritual body looks like.
The dragon has been seen in ancient lore as a bringer of destruction and chaos where we have these stories of a brave knight going out to slay a dragon which threatens to destroy the village because of how powerful it is. But what if the dragon decided not to destroy things but just simply dance in it's own eternal self? This is the true harmonious way awakening the kundalini energy.One who awakens to the world of lucid dreaming and out of body experiences realizes that all these characteristics are needed to be working in harmony if one is to be able to traverse the fields of consciousness.
After realizing this, I tried to figure out what the physical correspondence would be of this said energy since it made more sense to call kundalini energy a coiled snake at the base of the spine rather than a coiled dragon and also because of the fact that snakes actually exist in this plane while proof of dragons hasn't been concretely found to have even existed. I thought about giving up the whole idea of it but then I realzied kundalini isn't completely a physical energy. Yes, it's activity in the physical brain can be measured with certain devices and can definitely be felt by anyone who is near by but it's not something that can be seen with the physical eyes. Only felt and heard. This explains how the dragon doesn't have a physical correspondence, at least not yet. It's funny because the day after I made this connection I found a picture of a snake (they're calling it a salamander but come on this looks like a snake to me) that is growing arms. This suggests that we could indeed have dragons on this planet in a long time from now.
It would make sense too because these snakes on all of the well known kundalini diagrams are shown to be crisscrossing the mid-point and looking up at the wings but never reaching it, which makes sense because most serpents live in a lowered fear based reality, but what about the ones that learn to let go of fear?
this bottom pic seems to be more accurate at times.
It's an exciting thing to think about, at least for me, that the dragon could be something that is an important part to all of this but something which brings a feeling of being humbled to such a power. Something that is not easy to do but has the greatest reward. I mean, think about it, imagine having to actually tame a dragon? Something that is so massive in comparison but lacks the intellectual and spiritual control needed to see life in a constructive way? That's why it is important to see how dangerous it could be to awaken kundalini so spontaneously and before one is ready with drugs and forceful divination techniques. In this reality we have these silly people who go and try to find someone who can "awaken their kundalini" with gimmicky hand gestures and talks of chakras but the truth is only you can awaken yourself. Anything else will only be a way to see through the eyes of someone else instead of your own.
Also, for those who have had a lucid dream where you can fly and do all sorts of awesome stuff, we know that once that dream is over, we come back to this physical reality. Also, we know we can't fly here in this physical reality because it's just something everyone agrees with as a collective idea. Awakening to the truth about everything, both past , present ,and future and energy is the only way being able to fly could ever happen. Where I am going with this is how Bruce lee was one of the most powerful men on this planet. He paved the way for showing the potential of the human body, and I believe he did this by tapping into this dragon kundalini energy. He was successful but ended up dying because of an apparent allergic reaction to a painkiller he took which swelled his brain killing him in his sleep. I feel there is more to this because a body as healthy as his could not have died by such a simple action like taking a painkiller but maybe it was just that, only time will tell. Anyway I just wanted to mention that because I feel bruce lee wasn't given enough credit as a successful spiritual leader who seemed to successfully channel this limitless energy very well at least for a period of his life.
Lee's striking speed from three feet with his hands down by his side reached five hundredths of a second.
Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for 20 seconds.
Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film for clear slow motion replay using the traditional 24 frames per second of that era, so many scenes were shot in 32 frames per second for better clarity.
In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.
Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks. - Witnessed by many such as Joe Hyams
Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).
Lee performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.
Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.
Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.
Lee could cause a 300-lb (136 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick. ( According to Bob Wall, he has the video tape of him kicking 300lb bag towards the ceiling.)
Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.
In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.
Bruce lee was able to jump 8 feet from a stand still (this was shown in pictures and his films such as the one where he kicked the lightbulb out).
"There are no limits." - Bruce Lee
Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for 20 seconds.
Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film for clear slow motion replay using the traditional 24 frames per second of that era, so many scenes were shot in 32 frames per second for better clarity.
In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.
Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks. - Witnessed by many such as Joe Hyams
Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).
Lee performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.
Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.
Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.
Lee could cause a 300-lb (136 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick. ( According to Bob Wall, he has the video tape of him kicking 300lb bag towards the ceiling.)
Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.
In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.
Bruce lee was able to jump 8 feet from a stand still (this was shown in pictures and his films such as the one where he kicked the lightbulb out).
"There are no limits." - Bruce Lee
Also compare how current pictures of dragons compare to this image made by sevan bomar of
Also notice how dragons are usually depicted as being and having a wide variety of color to their body
Sunday, June 9, 2013
How water is important in the age of aquarious
a lot of people seem to be worshiping the fire god. fire, fire, fire, heat, heat ,heat, power, power, power! What about the water god? the earth god? the air god? DO you think you will get anywhere by focusing on only one aspect of a 4 element planetary system? These elements aren't just physical elements but elements of the mind and the personality and when something as destructive as fire, which consumes and destroys that which is touches, gets out of balance, thats when we have a problem.This is when ideas can get no where because they are constantly "flaming" or canceling each other out in other "blaze" of fire.
Healthy fire
But you see, any element can be just as destructive. Water will flood a city killing all the inhabitants by drowning them. Air will create tornadoes and hurricanes which will destroy homes and impale debris into people. Earth will create earthquakes that can destroy whole cities.
Healthy water
Healthy air
A proper balance is needed. But at this point, the problem lies within an excessive use of creative fire, on a collective scale. Air can fuel the flames of a fire, earth has to topple over to smother a fire and can at times be inefficient, but water can quell a fire with minimal damage hence, we call this the age of aquarious. You look at today's society and it is very apparent that people are trying to fight fire with fire, creating songs and c ulture which promote the use of violence and things which we need no more of.
Turn fire into water
We need water people, and water only bends if you move in the same direction as it and then gradually shift the direction. Water does not move in violent angles as fire does, it is fluid which takes the shape of whatever shapes it. It is strange because the mind is so used to the fire, the brute force of getting things done by fighting, but when you can move like water, you aren't trying to be something you're not. The body is 50% or more water. The nervous system is likened to fire or electricity but can you see how little fire or actual physical neurological wiring it takes to move the body in comparison to the amount of water or flesh that surrounds the limb you are trying to move?
The amount of physical nervous wiring compared to water based flesh
too much fire and the whole situation short circuits. the first steps to realizing how important water is at this situation, for those who feel hopeless, is to just start drinking more purified water and less fire based artifical and proccessed foods. more green vegetable and fruits which contain a lot of water. alkalize the body. drinking alcohol creates an acidic environment in the body which im sure I dont have to explain that acid can be likened to having a fiery nature. Shit, watch that nick show avatar the last air bender, one can then see how the writers of that show had their shit straight, the fire nation is trying to over power the world. the only difference is we are all fire, water, earth, AND air and aren't separated as being primarily one element at birth
(sorry couldn't find a video linking to the actual intro probably due to copyright issues on youtube. here is a link to an intro from the m night shamalan movie. Yea I know that movie is the worst movie ever made but at least the intro is good for demonstrative purposes
Healthy fire
Unbalanced fire
Healthy water
Unbalanced water
Healthy earth
Unbalanced earth
Healthy air
Unbalanced air
A proper balance is needed. But at this point, the problem lies within an excessive use of creative fire, on a collective scale. Air can fuel the flames of a fire, earth has to topple over to smother a fire and can at times be inefficient, but water can quell a fire with minimal damage hence, we call this the age of aquarious. You look at today's society and it is very apparent that people are trying to fight fire with fire, creating songs and c ulture which promote the use of violence and things which we need no more of.
Rappers spitting fire. Rappers rapping the rap aka rape/ raping. Unbalanced view of power
Turn fire into water
We need water people, and water only bends if you move in the same direction as it and then gradually shift the direction. Water does not move in violent angles as fire does, it is fluid which takes the shape of whatever shapes it. It is strange because the mind is so used to the fire, the brute force of getting things done by fighting, but when you can move like water, you aren't trying to be something you're not. The body is 50% or more water. The nervous system is likened to fire or electricity but can you see how little fire or actual physical neurological wiring it takes to move the body in comparison to the amount of water or flesh that surrounds the limb you are trying to move?
The amount of physical nervous wiring compared to water based flesh
too much fire and the whole situation short circuits. the first steps to realizing how important water is at this situation, for those who feel hopeless, is to just start drinking more purified water and less fire based artifical and proccessed foods. more green vegetable and fruits which contain a lot of water. alkalize the body. drinking alcohol creates an acidic environment in the body which im sure I dont have to explain that acid can be likened to having a fiery nature. Shit, watch that nick show avatar the last air bender, one can then see how the writers of that show had their shit straight, the fire nation is trying to over power the world. the only difference is we are all fire, water, earth, AND air and aren't separated as being primarily one element at birth
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