So a couple of days ago I was looking at videos on youtube on the nature of phi like I have many times before and I came across a video which for some reason I hadn't come across. It contained a very key snippet of information which let me realize the true nature of the cosmic energy of kundalini and it's origins which seems to fit cohesively at least in my mind.

Kundalini energy, at least in it's totality, cannot be likened completely to the snake but instead to the dragon. It is the energy of the dragon that must be tamed, not the snake. Of course when working through fear based mentalities in order to proceed upwards, the snake must be integrated in a healthy manner but at the "end" point, it is the dragon energy or power which is being tapped into.
I realized this after reading how the physical description of the dragon describes the very characteristics of that which is being awakened in kundalini. You see the description of the dragon goes as follow: the dragon has claws to grip the earth, scales to swim through and with water, a crystal tooth to focus and exhale fire, and wings to fly wherever it pleases. This proves that this entity, the dragon, has all the necessary physical components needed to navigate all the terrain found here on earth and beyond, as the physical body is shaped and corresponds with what the spiritual body looks like.
The dragon has been seen in ancient lore as a bringer of destruction and chaos where we have these stories of a brave knight going out to slay a dragon which threatens to destroy the village because of how powerful it is. But what if the dragon decided not to destroy things but just simply dance in it's own eternal self? This is the true harmonious way awakening the kundalini energy.One who awakens to the world of lucid dreaming and out of body experiences realizes that all these characteristics are needed to be working in harmony if one is to be able to traverse the fields of consciousness.
After realizing this, I tried to figure out what the physical correspondence would be of this said energy since it made more sense to call kundalini energy a coiled snake at the base of the spine rather than a coiled dragon and also because of the fact that snakes actually exist in this plane while proof of dragons hasn't been concretely found to have even existed. I thought about giving up the whole idea of it but then I realzied kundalini isn't completely a physical energy. Yes, it's activity in the physical brain can be measured with certain devices and can definitely be felt by anyone who is near by but it's not something that can be seen with the physical eyes. Only felt and heard. This explains how the dragon doesn't have a physical correspondence, at least not yet. It's funny because the day after I made this connection I found a picture of a snake (they're calling it a salamander but come on this looks like a snake to me) that is growing arms. This suggests that we could indeed have dragons on this planet in a long time from now.
It would make sense too because these snakes on all of the well known kundalini diagrams are shown to be crisscrossing the mid-point and looking up at the wings but never reaching it, which makes sense because most serpents live in a lowered fear based reality, but what about the ones that learn to let go of fear?
this bottom pic seems to be more accurate at times.
It's an exciting thing to think about, at least for me, that the dragon could be something that is an important part to all of this but something which brings a feeling of being humbled to such a power. Something that is not easy to do but has the greatest reward. I mean, think about it, imagine having to actually tame a dragon? Something that is so massive in comparison but lacks the intellectual and spiritual control needed to see life in a constructive way? That's why it is important to see how dangerous it could be to awaken kundalini so spontaneously and before one is ready with drugs and forceful divination techniques. In this reality we have these silly people who go and try to find someone who can "awaken their kundalini" with gimmicky hand gestures and talks of chakras but the truth is only you can awaken yourself. Anything else will only be a way to see through the eyes of someone else instead of your own.
Also, for those who have had a lucid dream where you can fly and do all sorts of awesome stuff, we know that once that dream is over, we come back to this physical reality. Also, we know we can't fly here in this physical reality because it's just something everyone agrees with as a collective idea. Awakening to the truth about everything, both past , present ,and future and energy is the only way being able to fly could ever happen. Where I am going with this is how Bruce lee was one of the most powerful men on this planet. He paved the way for showing the potential of the human body, and I believe he did this by tapping into this dragon kundalini energy. He was successful but ended up dying because of an apparent allergic reaction to a painkiller he took which swelled his brain killing him in his sleep. I feel there is more to this because a body as healthy as his could not have died by such a simple action like taking a painkiller but maybe it was just that, only time will tell. Anyway I just wanted to mention that because I feel bruce lee wasn't given enough credit as a successful spiritual leader who seemed to successfully channel this limitless energy very well at least for a period of his life.
Lee's striking speed from three feet with his hands down by his side reached five hundredths of a second.
Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for 20 seconds.
Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film for clear slow motion replay using the traditional 24 frames per second of that era, so many scenes were shot in 32 frames per second for better clarity.
In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.
Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks. - Witnessed by many such as Joe Hyams
Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).
Lee performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.
Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.
Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.
Lee could cause a 300-lb (136 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick. ( According to Bob Wall, he has the video tape of him kicking 300lb bag towards the ceiling.)
Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.
In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.
Bruce lee was able to jump 8 feet from a stand still (this was shown in pictures and his films such as the one where he kicked the lightbulb out).
"There are no limits." - Bruce Lee
Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for 20 seconds.
Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film for clear slow motion replay using the traditional 24 frames per second of that era, so many scenes were shot in 32 frames per second for better clarity.
In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.
Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.
Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks. - Witnessed by many such as Joe Hyams
Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).
Lee performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.
Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.
Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.
Lee could cause a 300-lb (136 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick. ( According to Bob Wall, he has the video tape of him kicking 300lb bag towards the ceiling.)
Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.
In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.
Bruce lee was able to jump 8 feet from a stand still (this was shown in pictures and his films such as the one where he kicked the lightbulb out).
"There are no limits." - Bruce Lee
Also compare how current pictures of dragons compare to this image made by sevan bomar of
Also notice how dragons are usually depicted as being and having a wide variety of color to their body
thank you so much for posting this. i have been opening my third eye since i was a child and still do now. I am a spirit medium- clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentinent, precognitive, clear connection with spirit guides through automatic writing, astral plane, lucid dreaming, out of body expeiriences. I recently opened my third eye and went the furthest ive ever been in my life. I went pretty deep into it and I saw two dragons green and the other i believe purple. They are very similar to the one pictured with bruce lee. I dont know too much of any of this spiritual still moving at the pace im at and dont push it with by usign drugs or reading books or watching videos. My question..what does it mean to awaken the dragon? what happens? all i know it felt very powerful to stare at it
ReplyDeleteI found this article helpful in understanding "what does it mean to awaken the dragon."
DeleteYou can ask the dragons that came to you to help you on your spiritual journey.
YES... we got it. Two minutes ago on 5/10/2014. I made the connection that Kundalini is not a snake but a winged-fire Dragon/Serpent. A bunch of images (thoughts) flashed in my mind's eye: (1) Nostradamus said the red Dragon will rise and mollify (not obliterate or destroy) the West. He wasn't referring to an actual country, army, culture, or religion; he was hinting to the Kundalini that's asleep in dreaming Americans. (2) When the fire Dragon awakens in most of us, which it will happen soon, an enlightening transformation will happen in the US. But those who are still asleep, those who are trapped by darkness, will resist and want to fight. (3) Hence, we are living in the calm before the storm. (4) But fear not!!! This is just a re-calibration or polarization of joy Energy from the Source, and if you just surrender to the changes and walk in Grace all will be kosher and fun. It will look as though World War III is a Dance between the Dragon and Tiger.
yes - she is dragon AND serpent. do not think she is limited to one of our crappy metaphors. she is many, many things, whatever she wants to be. this is happening RIGHT NOW. if it can happen to a regular dude like me, it can happen to anyone. wow.
ReplyDeleteThanks you for sharing your thoughts on this topic.
ReplyDeleteI will add some of my own experiences that fit into yours.
I have dreamt once that I was a white dragon flying through the sky and under attack of demons as large as mountains that were throwing rock at the dragon which he dodged.
Years later I painted this dragon very large on a wall. He was holding a sword and a shield. After sleeping and concentrating a few nights on this image, a power came from it and shook my bed. Suddenly I felt a sword and shield in my hands. I understood by it that I am this dragon myself, just like the dream had told me.
But I also dreamt that I was a golden snake. Just one little spot on my/its mouth was not yet golden but grey.
It is my understand that our soul is tainted in this world and that it has to be redeemed through alchemical inner work. The part of the soul that falls into corruption is symbolised by the snake. Thus the snake contains wisdom about our fall in this world and has to be redeemed, this means going into the shadows and retreiving that part of us. This has often been called the dragon's lair in knight stories. This is the meaning of Kundalini.
However, the snake is not the true or original form of the soul. The snake is a venomous animal that repels me, hence symbol for the dark and fallen part of the soul that has become poisonous. When transformed into gold, the transmutation is not complete. It has to be reunited with our spirit which still contains the form of our original potential. That is the dragon.
I must say, I have been occupied with this for some years now, and up til now, all that these revelations have brought to me are severe attacks from demons on a nightly basis. I suddenly became aware of their existence in a dream and started to take action against their practices, but ever since it has been an open and frontal war in which one seems utterly powerless. A seemingly victory is always short-lived and a method that seemed to work the other day does no longer the next one.
I read here and there groups of people claiming that the last archons are being swept from Earth, that the victory is near, etc., but have noticed zero evidence for this.
Also, I notice that most people have no idea what they're doing. Meditation, kundalini, drugs, it doesn't matter, people are just doing what others are telling them to do. They are not living by their own inner nature because they have no idea what that would be. And so it is easy for demons to enter them and lead them on into fantasy worlds where they loose their soul and gain no wisdom at all. Having a soul in this world is a huge burden, so I am not surprised that most have actually given it away in exchange for wonderful illusions.
Be careful with anything "spiritual". Most people are quite simply involved with spiritism and are not evolving spiritually, and that is why with so many people that are supposedly "awakening" nothing around us is changing. The same game is still being played, if only people would get tired of it.
maybe someone here can help me. i think the other night something major happened because i was in the middle of falling asleep/dreaming and i felt a shock through my entire spine. i have been having third eye experiences for the last year but only within the last week have thongs sped up. i am ready for whatever the universe throwa at me but i cant figure out this dream. there were 4 lung dragons/ serpents and i was in a temple. i knew deep down that there were more dragons but i would have to "beat" the boss of the temple to go on. i had with me a white, black, and yellow/gold dragon and had to "defeat" a deep sapphire blue one. at one point the dragon is going through my mouth and i am attempting to pull it out, i wasnt scared, and could legit feel it going inside. it had three segments in the middle of the body that each hadwhat looked to be the all seeing eye in them. i woke up and now feel like the dragons are atill with me or at least something is. so what is going on?
ReplyDeleteI believe the color chakras that corelate to the dragons are the real demons here. The ultimate boss is the highest of YOUR personal chakras that are blocked. The mouth chakra has to do with your self expression. It is not the leader, the blue or sapphire chakra is. Do your research on how to open these blockages and you win the battle, releasing your kundalini energy to makes its way to your crown. I wish you luck in your spiritual quest.
DeleteOddly I bumped into this. You are on to something here. I can honestly describe in detail what happened to myself and my Kundilini snake appears to have become a white dragon. Smoother and more powerful also have to add My chakras have changed location to reflect 5d energy. Blessings
ReplyDeleteStumbled upon this after I had a vision of a snake with wings awakening below two dragons.
ReplyDeleteI have been meditating with dragons for a few months and I believe they are telling me my Kundalini is starting to awaken.
I can't say for certain what physical form it will take.