Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Skill and the Big Shadow Cube

Something I've pondered about before is the massive size of the human race on the planet. How do people who perform really get around this fact. to have that many people giving you attention, a great amount of skill is required but what is sad is most people aren't conscious of how they can accomplish something so great but then again sometimes they are so it implies that skill can be based on the amount of self consciousness someone has while they perform. So a kind of trinity is formed when people show skill while being self-conscious (player, whats being played, and consciousness of the changes made afterwards) that produces a fruit that is liked by all, or as close as can be to all. But how do you create a fruit that is liked by all? I don't think its possible but the more one tries and practices it seems the better one gets.

One really has to know themselves to talk to another so shining that light during the performance can be dazzling  but how can this be possible if everyone is shining their own light? It's just a fact I cannot get over. To write or perform with skill requires talking to the many different layers that make up a human being to come up with something interesting but people are dynamically changing all the time and many people aren't even paying attention to what is being performed enough to write something that fits the whole human race. But then we get into the light body and how some process information quickly at light levels to bring about a cohesive and balanced thing that anyone can look at its just overwhelming. Nevertheless many people do it time and time again which always brings me wonder and joy as to how its done and its something I wish to learn as well.

Introducing the shadow cube, which is the idea that ones being is simultaneously obliterated and reformed by oneself by the non-existance of one in anothers' life, it is staggering to see so many people showing such talent despite this shadow cubes existence. But does it show skill to not be aware of this fact and still perform?

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