Monday, April 10, 2017

Power games

Theres one thing that surprises me the most about awakening, the fact that there are demons who are awakened. Never did I think this was true but I can asure you it is.These games these "awakened" people play are a complete farce. It is just another path of death and despair. another way of thinking you can control something that is anothers. Whether or not in the grand multiverse there is a true "should" or "should not" be doing things comes down to this, of course there is no "should" or "should not". THere are no set rules. but I have to make the comparsion of straight lines in nature. Of course there are no straight lines found anywhere in nature. Its all curves, all bundles of information. But the only place a straight line can exist is in the mind. Hence, it is sacred. Hence straight lines can be compared to a "should" and "should not" way of doing things being a sacred way of doing things. The universe is a big place with no rules, that is obvious, but what isn't obvious is that we are small enough to accept these rules to the universe without it impacting the universe at large big enoough to cause imbalance. Therefore should and should not is actually a viable way to live, the only things is finding the parameters.

 I am suggesting that power games or these competitions for ones awakening should be on the "should not" list. Why not just let it happen naturally? why not just let someone have their own awakening without making it a big fucking secret that people get killed over.  The thing is ,its a secret already. THe universe is already in secret form. The mind of one is not accessible to another other than through sex so a mind is a secret already. If youve already spoiled that secret for yourself, you have two options; either you forget about it or you just find happiness in the fact that its still a secret for children of the universe growing up. DOnt be a fucking asshole and ruin it for others by stealing minds and eating people and all this nonsense. THERES NO GAIN THERE ONLY LOSS.

 Theres a big difference between competition and power games. Competition doesnt have death. Power games do. Its that simple. If you're siding with death, you're siding with pain and pain isn't fun. Being an unawakened individual, other course I have sided with death during my life. Death is apart of life in a sense that nothing is fixed; things die. But I know that life is what I want, not death. I'm sure anyone would say the same thing.

So i'll conclude with this, don't be a fucking power game person. Don't use your fucking power to over power others unless its absolutely necessary. Don't side with death. You wouldnt put your hand on a fucking flame would you? SO don't fuck with other peoples shit if it kills thems.

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